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Thursday, August 18, 2011

Two Desktop Wallies

I made this a little while ago, it's main purpose being to experiment with the Dodge/Burn tool.

I've been watching S3 of Robin Hood. And was very annoyed at the fact that Guy died. I mean, seriously? Why did HE have to die? It's not like he had to go and be reunited with Marian or anything (although, if I had my way, he would). I'm feeling a little resentful towards the writers right now.

Also, I was in a bit of a bad mood when I was making this, which is why the whole theme is extremely...depressing. Basically, it's guy remembering moments with Marian. I liked how it turned out. Your thoughts?

After making such a gloomy wallie, I felt like making something cheerful. If you haven't heard already, you should know that I've been a bit obsessed with BBC's Lark Rise to Candleford. I recently finished it's last season, and was very pleased with the ending of my favourite pairing!

Alf and Minnie. So cute, so perfect together! I made it a sort of postal theme because Minnie works at the Post Office, and the whole show circulates around the Office. I did try to find a kissing picture, but Google Images is rather short on Alf and Minnie pictures!  :)

Enjoy! And tell me what you think!


Elizabeth said...

I like your Guy and Marian one. I would have liked Guy an Marian to be together, but it was Robin Hood so I felt slightly loyal to Robin Marian. I have a love hate relationship with S3. I love the depth of character Robin finally got(which I felt was lacking in the other two seasons), and the new depth of character Guy had(who was not lacking depth. But I truly disliked Kate!

I like the bright colors on the last one. It is very sweet as well. I want to see the Lark Rise to Candleford! I have heard so much about it!

Elizabeth said...

I like your Guy and Marian one. I would have liked Guy an Marian to be together, but it was Robin Hood so I felt slightly loyal to Robin Marian. I have a love hate relationship with S3. I love the depth of character Robin finally got(which I felt was lacking in the other two seasons), and the new depth of character Guy had(who was not lacking depth. But I truly disliked Kate!

I like the bright colors on the last one. It is very sweet as well. I want to see the Lark Rise to Candleford! I have heard so much about it!

Chloe M. Kookogey said...

Bree was scanning the computer screen over my shoulder as I read this, and we both saw the Marian/Guy wallpaper and said simultaneously, "She would." :P But as much as I object to putting them together in principal, I must say that you did a wonderful job on the wallpaper.

And of course, who couldn't love the second one? So bright, so cheery. :) I'm still in season 2 though... school has really been catching up with me, and any free time I have I've been using to make sure my poor little blog has a post up at least once a week. Which would bring me to the fact that I am also *still* in season 2 of RH, and that status probably will not change much until December. :/

Love and Blessings,
Elizabeth Rose

Rae said...

LOVE sir guy...I love how even though he;s bad he gets all the love cuz he's cute :)

if you love him as much as my sis (she's the real fanatic when it comes to him) you might enjoy the following...basically a glorification of Guy :)
